Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Surviving is the beginning after the end!

Surviving is the beginning after the end!
Mother’s day meant you believed in me you loved me and I was important to someone very special, you! Surviving is the beginning after the end for me that is what each day has been without you here. Never will your loving and wonderful spirit be forgotten Sweet girl of mine. This Mother’s day is hard to even begin to face but your words of past Mothers day cards and notes will be on display within my heart. Your loved & Missed and through the tears your memory will survive the years. Love Mommy!

Thursday, February 8, 2007

Six long months today my Sweet Precious Angel

Today Baby Girl it’s been six months since you left me in the physical sense. It’s hard to believe a half a year has come and gone how I’ve gotten through the moments is beyond my knowledge of strength. But my darling Angel your in my thoughts daily every where I turn ,everything I see and every song on the radio brings you to my mind. I love you so much to think continuing on without you sometimes is unbearable.
I know your never going to leave me in spirit and will continue to guide me on. Although my life is endless it seems without you beside me in this world. Today I’ll visit that cold ground your buried under to take you a rose, sing you a song and to let you know your never forgotten. Somehow deep inside I know you understand when the tears fall your mommy misses you so.
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